粵語 編輯

解乜 編輯

  1. 【形容詞】 雙方有嫌隙、牙齒印未化解,相見嘅時候好尷尬
    佢地兩個自從上次吵大鑊之後一直面阻阻 [Guangzhou Cantonese, 繁體]
    佢地两个自从上次吵大镬之后一直面阻阻 [Guangzhou Cantonese, 簡體]
    Keoi5 dei6 loeng5 go3 zi6 cung4 soeng6 ci3 caau2 daai6 wok6 zi1 hau6 jat1 zik6 dou1 min6 zo2 zo2. [Jyutping]
    Even since the two of them had a big argument, they always turned their heads away, not talking to each other.

翻譯 編輯

英文:to turn one's head away in anger,to not talk with each other,not on good terms with,literally "face obstructed"