粵語 編輯

寫法 編輯

辭典 編輯

解乜 編輯

  1. 【諺語】因為啲好少既利益而失去更重要嘅嘢
    隱瞞問題可以䟴䟴腳退休點知傳媒踢爆宜家引咎辭職真係贏粒糖輸間廠 [Guangzhou Cantonese, 繁體]
    隐瞒问题可以䟴䟴脚退休点知传媒踢爆宜家引咎辞职真系赢粒糖输间厂 [Guangzhou Cantonese, 簡體]
    Keoi5 nam2 zyu6 jan2 mun4 man6 tai4 zau6 m4 wui5 jau5 jan4 zi1, ho2 ji5 ngan3 ngan3 goek3 dang2 teoi3 jau1, dim2 zi1 gin6 si6 bei2 cyun4 mui4 tek3 baau3, ji4 gaa1 jiu3 jan5 gau3 ci4 zik1, zan1 hai6 jeng4 lap1 tong2 syu1 gaan1 cong2 aa3. [Jyutping]
    He was hoping that the matter would never be known by the public, thus ensuring his uneventful requirement, however it got exposed by the media just now, forcing him to resign. He's penny-wise, but pound-foolish.