維基辭典傾偈:申請做管理員/Cedric tsan cantonais

最新留言:5 年前由Roy17喺主題回應度留言

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  1. 明眼人一睇就知列舉嘅3次打回頭都係好明顯錯咗啦。3次都係人哋喺度維護,跟住候選人就撤銷人哋嘅維護變返錯嘅嘢。11月以外仲有大把。連係咪破壞都成日睇錯,噉嘅水平點做管理員啊?
  2. 畫公仔唔使畫出腸啦。一開波就封我,先至會絕對冇得做管理員,詞窮都唔使講呢d狡辯。
  3. 頭版公共日誌。夠膽講開錯namespace嘅唔係佢?係欲加之罪?就幾個鐘前發生嘅嘢都可以講大話嘅人點可以授予任何額外權限?
    1. 2018年11月14號 (三) 22:42 候選人 開咗版面頭版 (暫時由法維辭典抄個頭版過來先,裝下門面。)
    2. (2018年11月18號 (日) 21:02 我指出頭版開錯namespace)
    3. 2018年11月18號 (日) 23:58 候選人 刪咗頁 頭版 (開錯版。
    4. 2018年11月19號 00:32 incubator:special:diff/4433823 候選人問人點改啱頭版跳轉
    5. 舊incubator錯namespace嘅頭版早幾個月Asdfugil已經搬返啱special:diff/2466
    6. fr:個頭版係 Wiktionnaire:Page_d’accueil,14號到18號4日咁長都唔醒水,唔係我講條友知鬼除咩。
  4. 個罐頭警告en:w:special:diff/756390529係同en:w:special:diff/756390502連埋一齊用twinkle出嘅。後者就寫明係「Reverted 1 edit by [候選人]: Check your facts and use English edit summaries. You were warned about this before.」呢1 edit,就係 候選人將IP人編輯打回頭嗰次en:w:special:diff/756382897。自己親身經歷嘅編輯歷史都搞錯,定係想渾水摸魚啊?根本冇砌生豬肉。候選人的確removed contents,而俾人警告do not remove or blank pages.
  5. 事實證明候選人係鏟錯。當時WG就補咗參考資料,一路到而家en:w:Vancouver_Whitecaps_FC#Broadcasting都仲係寫住「matches broadcast on radio has play-by-play duties shared between Peter Schaad and Scott Rintoul」並有文獻支持。
  6. 4月份候選人自願隱退,6月份一返歸就係提改規矩,有關diacritics。
  7. 俾人封首先係因為「this editor is subject to a block at any time they resume this behaviour, WP:POINT applies.」最遲喺12月10號已經resume this behaviour,喺24號候選人自己咬定人哋誣告提去admin notice board,25號有人提出無限期封鎖,29號先卒之封鎖。
  8. 之後一路上訴幾次到第二年2017嘅7月,候選人仲係講緊「After the unblock, my focus on English Wikipedia will be writing essays that advocate culture changes on English Wikipedia (which is WP:TOTALLYHERE) and removing contents that are proven to be false by proper research.」卒之俾人連talk page edit都禁埋。最後Unblock Ticket Request System上訴都係失敗。時至今日2018年11月,候選人鏟人哋嘅編輯,仲係成日鏟錯,點做proper research嘎?
  9. 我講每一樣嘢都有修改紀錄查得到,就事論事,結果候選人又係睇成人身攻擊,再攻擊我。


User:Cedric tsan cantonais shall not be granted any permanent administerial privilege, at least not in the next two years. His long-time aggresive attitude towards IP editors and other editors who contradict him persists from at least 2013 (found on yuewp, enwp and zhwp) till now, and has led to his indefinite ban on enwp. Such attitude and his often misjudgement of vandalism, are prone to misuse of admin rights. He has not changed at all, and I do not believe he would improve in the short run.--Roy17 (傾偈) 2018年11月19號 (一) 19:22 (UTC)回覆

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