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#(''~ sb. (to sth.)'')(唔負責任、義務)唔要,[[遺棄]],拋棄
#::''The baby had been abandoned by its mother.''  呢個BB畀佢亞媽遺棄咗。
#::''People often simply abandon their pets when they go abroad.''  有啲人出國嗰陣成日丼低寵物唔理,就噉走咗去。
#(''~ sth. (to sb./sth.)'')不得已噉放棄、唔要某啲嘢
#::''Snow forced many drivers to abandon their vehicles.''  大雪搞到好多揸車嘅人唔要架車而揀行路。
#::''They had to abandon their lands and property to the invading forces.''  佢哋不得不放棄土地同埋財產,畀侵略軍佔領。
#::''He gave the order to abandon ship (= to leave the ship because it was sinking).''  佢下令放棄嗰隻船(因為架船就嚟沉)。
#::''The country abandoned its political leaders after the war.''  戰後呢個國家嘅人民唔再擁護佢哋嘅政治領袖。
#::''By 1930 he had abandoned his Marxist principles.''  1930年嗰陣佢放棄咗馬克思主義呢個信念。
#::''They had to abandon the match because of rain.''  因為落雨,他們唯有停咗個比賽佢。
#::''I have abandoned hope of any reconciliation.''  我對任何和解都唔再抱有希望。
#(''~ oneself to sth.'') 陷入某種情感
#::''He abandoned himself to despair.''  佢陷入咗絕望。
# 唔理後果亂嚟
#::''He signed cheques with careless abandon.''  佢乜都唔驚噉喺度亂開支票。