
local export = {}
local replace = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match

function export.index_link(frame)
	local jp = type(frame) == 'table' and frame.args[1] or frame

	-- create index links
	local jp_links = replace(jp, '([^1-6 ]+)([1-6]+)', '[[:Category:粵拼索引/%1|%1%2]]')

	-- create category text (capture the first alphabetical part of the romanization)
	local jp_cat = '[[Category:粵拼索引/' .. match(jp, '^[^1-6 ]+') ..']]'

	local count = frame.args.count;
	local text = [==[* 香港音]==] .. count ..[==[:
** [[wikipedia:zh-yue:粵拼|粵拼]]:<span style="font-size:150%; font-weight:bold">]==] .. jp_links .. [==[</span>]==]

	return text .. jp_cat

return export