粵語 編輯

解乜 編輯

  1. 【成語】形容一個人身體孱弱,體型瘦削。
    例子:佢細個冇飯食,營養不良,搞到而家廿歲人都仲係奀挑鬼命keoi5 sai3 go3 mou5 faan6 sik6, jing4 joeng5 bat1 loeng4, gaau2 dou3 ji4 gaa1 jaa6 seoi3 jan4 dou1 zung6 hai6 ngan1 tiu1 gwai2 meng6.
    英譯:He had little to eat and was malnourished during childhood, and consequently is still a bag of bones well in his twenties.